Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Attelabus ceramboides Pand. insect. 093 [23, as 31] View this dissertation
Attelabus coryli Pand. insect. 093 20 as Attetabus View this dissertation
Attelabus formicarius Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 8 View this dissertation
Attelabus mollis Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 8 View this dissertation
Atunus Herb. Amboin. 057 8 View this dissertation
Atunus litorea Herb. Amboin. 057 12 View this dissertation
Atzoyatl mirabilis mexicana Cent. 1 pl. 065 34 View this dissertation
Aura Polit. nat. 109 14 View this dissertation
Aurantium Sapor. med. 031 14 View this dissertation
Aurantium Hort. acad. 063 2 View this dissertation
Aurantium Nom. bot. 107 16 View this dissertation
Aurata Cul. mut. 088 9 View this dissertation
Auricula ursi virginiana, floribus albis boraginis instar rostratis, cyclaminum more reflexis Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 26 View this dissertation
Auricularia Vir. pl. 013 17 View this dissertation
Auricularia Vir. pl. 013 18 View this dissertation
Auris canina Herb. Amboin. 057 26 View this dissertation
Autrenus Fund. entom. 154 29 View this dissertation
Avena Peloria 003 15 View this dissertation
Avena Spons. pl. 012 17 View this dissertation
Avena Vir. pl. 013 32 View this dissertation
Avena Fl. oecon. 017 3 View this dissertation
Avena Fl. oecon. 017 4 View this dissertation
Avena Oecon. nat. 020 17 View this dissertation
Avena Pl. escul. 035 27 View this dissertation
Avena Vern. arb. 047 13 View this dissertation
