Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Mac. olit. 113 10 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Hort. cul. 132 12 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Mund. invis. 149 14 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Fl. Åker. 162 17 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 21 View this dissertation
Tragopogon purpureo caeruleum Pl. hybr. 033 13 View this dissertation
Tragopogon tenuissime dentatum Fl. Monsp. 074 30 View this dissertation
Tragoriganum 2 Fl. Palaest. 070 22 under Sideritis View this dissertation
Tragoriganum latifolium Marum 175 6 View this dissertation
Trapa Fl. oecon. 017 5 View this dissertation
Trapa Pl. escul. 035 9 View this dissertation
Trapa Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
Trapa Cui bono? 042 18 View this dissertation
Trapa Nom. bot. 107 10 View this dissertation
Trapa Fl. Belg. 112 8 View this dissertation
Trapa aquatica Pan Svec. 026 16 View this dissertation
Trapa natans Pl. officin. 052 14 View this dissertation
Trapa natans Fl. Belg. 112 13 View this dissertation
Trapa natans Fr. escul. 127 22 View this dissertation
Trapa natans Colon. pl. 158 6 View this dissertation
Tremella Pl. Mart.-Burs. 006 28 as Tremilla View this dissertation
Tremella Taenia 019 3 View this dissertation
Tremella Obst. med. 034 9 View this dissertation
Tremella Usum musc. 148 14 View this dissertation
Tremella auricula Pl. officin. 052 5 View this dissertation
