Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Strix Migr. avium 079 21 View this dissertation
Strix Polit. nat. 109 14 View this dissertation
Strix Polit. nat. 109 16 View this dissertation
Strix Fund. ornith. 137 19 View this dissertation
Strix albida Migr. avium 079 21 View this dissertation
Strix bubo Oecon. nat. 020 33 View this dissertation
Strizolobium Fl. Jam. 105 26 View this dissertation
Strombus Fund. test. 166 17 View this dissertation
Strombus Fund. test. 166 27 View this dissertation
Strombus Fund. test. 166 38 View this dissertation
Strombus auris dianae Metam. pl. 067 [5] View this dissertation
Strombus fissurella Fund. test. 166 40 View this dissertation
Strombus lambis Metam. pl. 067 [5] View this dissertation
Strombus millepeda Metam. pl. 067 [5] View this dissertation
Strombus millepeda Iter Chin. 161 8 as millepida View this dissertation
Strombus pes pelicani Fund. test. 166 38 View this dissertation
Strombus podagra Metam. pl. 067 [5] View this dissertation
Strombus scorpius Metam. pl. 067 [5] View this dissertation
Strombus scorpius Fund. test. 166 39 as scorpio View this dissertation
Struthio Oecon. nat. 020 27 as Strutio View this dissertation
Struthio Mat. med. anim. 029 9 View this dissertation
Struthio Fl. Cap. 099 [1] as Strutio View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 10 View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 11 View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 12 View this dissertation
