Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Beccabunga Scorb. 180 16 View this dissertation
Brassica Scorb. 180 21 View this dissertation
Canella alba Scorb. 180 17 View this dissertation
Cardamine pratensis Scorb. 180 16 View this dissertation
Cochlearia Scorb. 180 16 as Cochleria View this dissertation
Cochlearia Scorb. 180 17 View this dissertation
Cucumis sativus Scorb. 180 21 View this dissertation
Endivia Scorb. 180 21 View this dissertation
Erysimum barbarea Scorb. 180 17 View this dissertation
Lactuca Scorb. 180 21 View this dissertation
Nasturtium hortense Scorb. 180 16 View this dissertation
Portulaca Scorb. 180 21 View this dissertation
Rumex patientia Scorb. 180 21 View this dissertation
Spinacia Scorb. 180 21 View this dissertation
Tropaeolum Scorb. 180 16 View this dissertation
Acetosa Scorb. 180 16 View this dissertation