Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Paullinia pinnata Pl. Surin. 177 7 View this dissertation
Eryngium foetidum Pl. Surin. 177 7 View this dissertation
Hippomane biglandulosa Pl. Surin. 177 15 View this dissertation
Cerbera thevetia Pl. Surin. 177 7 View this dissertation
Achras zapota Pl. Surin. 177 7 as sapota View this dissertation
Tillandsia lingulata Pl. Surin. 177 7 View this dissertation
Penstemon Pl. Surin. 177 4 View this dissertation
Erythrina crista galli Pl. Surin. 177 12 View this dissertation
Hura crepitans Pl. Surin. 177 15 as Hurra View this dissertation
Cestrum vespertinum Pl. Surin. 177 6 View this dissertation
Aegopricum Pl. Surin. 177 4 as Aegoprcum View this dissertation
Triopteris jamaicensis Pl. Surin. 177 9 View this dissertation
Penstemon chelonoides Pl. Surin. 177 6 View this dissertation
Eupatorium scandens Pl. Surin. 177 14 View this dissertation
Hypericum alium Pl. Surin. 177 13 View this dissertation
Chiococca racemosa Pl. Surin. 177 6 View this dissertation
Aegopricum Pl. Surin. 177 15 View this dissertation
Unxia Pl. Surin. 177 4 View this dissertation
Phlomis nepetifolia Pl. Surin. 177 11 View this dissertation
Euphorbia canescens Pl. Surin. 177 9 View this dissertation
Hypericum cajense Pl. Surin. 177 13 View this dissertation
Cistus trifoliatus Pl. Surin. 177 5 View this dissertation
Allamanda cathartica Pl. Surin. 177 6 View this dissertation
Unxia camphorata Pl. Surin. 177 14 View this dissertation
Phytolacca octandra Pl. Surin. 177 9 View this dissertation
