Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Euphorbia ipecacuanha Viola ipecac. 176 [4] View this dissertation
Lobelia Viola ipecac. 176 8 View this dissertation
Lobelia longiflora Viola ipecac. 176 8 View this dissertation
Lonicera Viola ipecac. 176 5 View this dissertation
Ouragoga Viola ipecac. 176 5 View this dissertation
Ouragoga Viola ipecac. 176 8 View this dissertation
Paris Viola ipecac. 176 5 View this dissertation
Periclymenum parvum Viola ipecac. 176 5 View this dissertation
Pombalia Viola ipecac. 176 8 View this dissertation
Pombalia ipecacuanha Viola ipecac. 176 7 View this dissertation
Psoralea glandulosa Viola ipecac. 176 [4] View this dissertation
Spiraea trifoliata Viola ipecac. 176 [4] View this dissertation
Viola Viola ipecac. 176 06ff. View this dissertation
Viola diandra Viola ipecac. 176 8 View this dissertation
Viola grandiflora, veronicae folio villoso Viola ipecac. 176 6 View this dissertation
Viola ipecacuanha Viola ipecac. 176 7 View this dissertation