Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Trifolium arvense Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 21 View this dissertation
Asilus morio Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 15 View this dissertation
Scarabaeus cylindricus Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 7 View this dissertation
Leontodon taraxacum Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 21 as Leonthodon View this dissertation
Draba verna Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 20 as verva View this dissertation
Tenthredo carbonaria Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 12 View this dissertation
Musca pellucens Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 14 View this dissertation
Apis muscorum Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 13 View this dissertation
Phalaena cingulata Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 11 View this dissertation
Carex vulpina Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 22 View this dissertation
Hippobosca avicularia Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 16 View this dissertation
Ranunculus ficaria Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 19 View this dissertation
Convallaria majalis Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 18 View this dissertation
Musca albifrons Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 14 View this dissertation
Alopecurus geniculatus Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 16 View this dissertation
Papilio euphrosyne Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 10 View this dissertation
Campanula latifolia Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 17 View this dissertation
Vespa bifasciata Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 13 View this dissertation
Populus alba Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 22 View this dissertation
Cimex acuminatus Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 10 View this dissertation
Lucanus caraboides Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 7 View this dissertation
Myosurus minimus Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 18 View this dissertation
Sinapis arvensis Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 20 View this dissertation
Phalaena tetradactyla Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 11 View this dissertation
Chrysomela alni Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 8 View this dissertation
