Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Erica viscaria Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Erica cubica Erica 163 7 View this dissertation
Erica scoparia Erica 163 4 View this dissertation
Erica calycina Erica 163 7 View this dissertation
Erica persoluta Erica 163 9 View this dissertation
Tetrao urogallus Erica 163 15 View this dissertation
Erica Erica 163 [1]ff. View this dissertation
Erica lutea Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Erica viscaria Erica 163 7 View this dissertation
Erica cubica Erica 163 10 View this dissertation
Erica scoparia Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Erica calycina Erica 163 9 View this dissertation
Erica petiveri Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Utricularia Erica 163 2 View this dissertation
Erica abietina Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Erica lutea Erica 163 9 View this dissertation
Erica viscaria Erica 163 10 View this dissertation
Erica cubitalis Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Erica scoparia Erica 163 7 View this dissertation
Erica capitata Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Erica petiveri Erica 163 7 View this dissertation
Uva ursi Erica 163 12 View this dissertation
Erica abietina Erica 163 7 View this dissertation
Erica mammosa Erica 163 5 View this dissertation
Erica vulgaris Erica 163 4 View this dissertation
