Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Carex cespitosa Fund. agrost. 152 7 as caespitosa View this dissertation
Scirpus maritimus Fund. agrost. 152 7 View this dissertation
Triticum repens Fund. agrost. 152 7 View this dissertation
Hordeum Fund. agrost. 152 18 View this dissertation
Andropogon ravennae Fund. agrost. 152 30 View this dissertation
Poa Fund. agrost. 152 31 View this dissertation
Poa Fund. agrost. 152 37 View this dissertation
Agrostarium Fund. agrost. 152 16 View this dissertation
Panicum Fund. agrost. 152 35 View this dissertation
Cynosurus Fund. agrost. 152 32 View this dissertation
Melica Fund. agrost. 152 37 View this dissertation
Avena pratensis Fund. agrost. 152 9 View this dissertation
Carex cespitosa Fund. agrost. 152 9 as caespitosa View this dissertation
Secale Fund. agrost. 152 5 View this dissertation
Triticum repens Fund. agrost. 152 9 View this dissertation
Hordeum Fund. agrost. 152 25 View this dissertation
Anthoxanthum Fund. agrost. 152 22 View this dissertation
Poa alpina Fund. agrost. 152 6 View this dissertation
Agrostis Fund. agrost. 152 27 View this dissertation
Panicum compositum Fund. agrost. 152 33 View this dissertation
Cynosurus Fund. agrost. 152 35 View this dissertation
Melica ciliata Fund. agrost. 152 7 View this dissertation
Bobartia Fund. agrost. 152 20 View this dissertation
Carex dioica Fund. agrost. 152 7 View this dissertation
Secale Fund. agrost. 152 15 View this dissertation
