Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Vallisneria Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Cimex Siren. lacert. 146 7 View this dissertation
Volvox Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Crotophaga Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Cyprinus auratus Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Fulgora Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Gordius Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Gorgonia Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Gryllus pedestris Siren. lacert. 146 7 View this dissertation
Gryllus perspicillatus Siren. lacert. 146 7 View this dissertation
Gryphus Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Gymnotus electricus Siren. lacert. 146 8 as electicus View this dissertation
Hydra Siren. lacert. 146 8 View this dissertation
Lacerta Siren. lacert. 146 13ff. View this dissertation
Lacerta aquatica Siren. lacert. 146 13 View this dissertation
Lacerta iguana Siren. lacert. 146 13 View this dissertation
