Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Ramphastos Fund. ornith. 137 14 View this dissertation
Gallus Fund. ornith. 137 19 View this dissertation
Anser Fund. ornith. 137 27 View this dissertation
Strix Fund. ornith. 137 19 View this dissertation
Gallus Fund. ornith. 137 26 View this dissertation
Tetrao Fund. ornith. 137 19 View this dissertation
Aquila Fund. ornith. 137 19 View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 10 View this dissertation
Gasterosteus Fund. ornith. 137 10 View this dissertation
Tetrao Fund. ornith. 137 20 View this dissertation
Trigla Fund. ornith. 137 10 View this dissertation
Ardea Fund. ornith. 137 14 View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 11 View this dissertation
Gazella Fund. ornith. 137 25 View this dissertation
Tringa vanellus Fund. ornith. 137 25 View this dissertation
Ardea Fund. ornith. 137 24 View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 12 View this dissertation
Jynx Fund. ornith. 137 27 View this dissertation
Trochilus Fund. ornith. 137 27 View this dissertation
Ardea Fund. ornith. 137 25 View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 16 View this dissertation
Lanius Fund. ornith. 137 24 View this dissertation
Turdus musicus Fund. ornith. 137 27 View this dissertation
Ardea pavonia Fund. ornith. 137 26 View this dissertation
Struthio Fund. ornith. 137 24 View this dissertation
