Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Swietenia Opobals. 135 2 View this dissertation
Amyris foliis ternatis integerrimis, pedunculis unifloris lateralibus Opobals. 135 13 View this dissertation
Terebinthus Opobals. 135 6 View this dissertation
Amyris foliis ternatis, obtusis Opobals. 135 11 View this dissertation
Uvaria Opobals. 135 2 View this dissertation
Amyris gileadensis Opobals. 135 13ff. as giliadensis View this dissertation
Xylobalsamum Opobals. 135 06ff. View this dissertation
Amyris maritima Opobals. 135 11ff. View this dissertation
Amyris opobalsamum Opobals. 135 14 View this dissertation
Amyris toxifera Opobals. 135 11ff. View this dissertation
Anisum stellatum Opobals. 135 2 View this dissertation
Aspalathus Opobals. 135 2 as Aspalatus View this dissertation
Balsamum Opobals. 135 02ff. View this dissertation
Balsamum gileadensis Opobals. 135 14ff. View this dissertation
Balsamum judaicum Opobals. 135 14 View this dissertation
Bursera Opobals. 135 [1] as Burseria View this dissertation
Carpobalsamum Opobals. 135 15 View this dissertation
Chamaedryfolia tomentosa mascatensis Opobals. 135 18 View this dissertation
