Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Lolium Raphania 126 10 View this dissertation
Nasturtium Raphania 126 14 View this dissertation
Persicaria Raphania 126 14 View this dissertation
Ranunculus sceleratus Raphania 126 14 View this dissertation
Raphanistrum arvense, flore albo Raphania 126 19 View this dissertation
Raphanistrum flore albo striato, siliqua articulata striata minore Raphania 126 19 View this dissertation
Raphanistrum segetum, flore luteo vel pallido Raphania 126 19 View this dissertation
Raphanistrum segetum, flore purpureo seu dilute violaceo Raphania 126 19 View this dissertation
Raphanistrum siliqua articulata glabra majore et minore Raphania 126 18 View this dissertation
Raphanus Raphania 126 13ff. View this dissertation
