Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Meloe vesicatorius Meloe 124 7 View this dissertation
Oniscus Meloe 124 10 View this dissertation
Phalaena Meloe 124 10 View this dissertation
Populus alba Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Populus nigra Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Sambucus nigra Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Syringa vulgaris Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Bignonia catalpa Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Cantharis Meloe 124 02ff. View this dissertation
Cantharis caeruleo-viridis, thorace teretiusculo Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Cantharis fasciata Meloe 124 6 View this dissertation
Cantharis officinarum Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Chrysomela cichorii Meloe 124 6 View this dissertation
Coccionella Meloe 124 10 View this dissertation
Fraxinus excelsior Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Gryllus Meloe 124 10 View this dissertation
Ligustrum vulgare Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Lonicera caprifolium Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Lonicera xylosteum Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Meloe Meloe 124 03ff. View this dissertation
Meloe alatus niger, coleopteris luteis: maculis duabus nigris posticis Meloe 124 6 View this dissertation
Meloe alatus niger, thorace hirsuto, elytris fasciis tribus flavis Meloe 124 6 View this dissertation
Meloe alatus viridissimus nitens, antennis nigris Meloe 124 4 View this dissertation
Meloe bimaculatus Meloe 124 6 View this dissertation
Meloe cichorii Meloe 124 6 View this dissertation
