Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Campanula bellidis folio Fund. fr. 123 16 View this dissertation
Rosa Fund. fr. 123 23 View this dissertation
Anemone Fund. fr. 123 12 View this dissertation
Passerina Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Lagoecia Fund. fr. 123 21 View this dissertation
Comarum Fund. fr. 123 20 View this dissertation
Tulipa Fund. fr. 123 11 View this dissertation
Diosma Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Campanula blattariae folio Fund. fr. 123 16 View this dissertation
Rubus Fund. fr. 123 20 View this dissertation
Rubus Fund. fr. 123 23 View this dissertation
Anthericum Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Passiflora Fund. fr. 123 16 View this dissertation
Lamium amplexicaule Fund. fr. 123 12 View this dissertation
Comarum Fund. fr. 123 23 View this dissertation
Tussilago anandria Fund. fr. 123 12 View this dissertation
Dryas Fund. fr. 123 20 View this dissertation
Campanula cymbalariae folio Fund. fr. 123 16 View this dissertation
Rudbeckia Fund. fr. 123 17 View this dissertation
Antholyza Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Passiflora Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Leucadendron Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Commelina Fund. fr. 123 16 View this dissertation
Vaccinium Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Dryas Fund. fr. 123 23 View this dissertation
