Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Crotalus Mors. serp. 119 17 View this dissertation
Coluber aspis Mors. serp. 119 13 View this dissertation
Cynanchum Mors. serp. 119 2 View this dissertation
Coluber aspis Mors. serp. 119 14 View this dissertation
Datura Mors. serp. 119 2 View this dissertation
Coluber atropos Mors. serp. 119 14 View this dissertation
Eryngium aquaticum Mors. serp. 119 17 View this dissertation
Coluber atrox Mors. serp. 119 14 View this dissertation
Eryngium foetidum Mors. serp. 119 17 View this dissertation
Coluber berus Mors. serp. 119 4 View this dissertation
Euphorbia Mors. serp. 119 2 View this dissertation
Coluber berus Mors. serp. 119 5 View this dissertation
Helleborus Mors. serp. 119 2 View this dissertation
Coluber berus Mors. serp. 119 12 View this dissertation
Hyoscyamus Mors. serp. 119 2 View this dissertation
Coluber berus Mors. serp. 119 14 View this dissertation
Medusa Mors. serp. 119 2 View this dissertation
Coluber berus Mors. serp. 119 16 View this dissertation
Mus musculus Mors. serp. 119 5 View this dissertation
Coluber chersea Mors. serp. 119 13 View this dissertation
Nigella Mors. serp. 119 2 View this dissertation
Coluber chersea Mors. serp. 119 14 View this dissertation
Nintipolonga zeylanica Mors. serp. 119 14 View this dissertation
Coluber chersea Mors. serp. 119 16 View this dissertation
Ophiorrhiza Mors. serp. 119 18 View this dissertation
