Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Sison inundatum Fl. Belg. 112 15 View this dissertation
Jasione montana Fl. Belg. 112 21 View this dissertation
Potamogeton crispum Fl. Belg. 112 14 View this dissertation
Veronica anagallis Fl. Belg. 112 12 View this dissertation
Allium ursinum Fl. Belg. 112 15 View this dissertation
Ophioglossum vulgatum Fl. Belg. 112 23 View this dissertation
Schoenus nigricans Fl. Belg. 112 12 View this dissertation
Centaurea jacea Fl. Belg. 112 21 View this dissertation
Trifolium melilotus caerulea Fl. Belg. 112 20 View this dissertation
Gratiola officinalis Fl. Belg. 112 8 View this dissertation
Erica multiflora Fl. Belg. 112 16 View this dissertation
Butomus umbellatus Fl. Belg. 112 16 View this dissertation
Calendula officinalis Fl. Belg. 112 21 View this dissertation
Mentha spicata Fl. Belg. 112 18 View this dissertation
Salix fragilis Fl. Belg. 112 22 View this dissertation
Galeopsis tetrahit Fl. Belg. 112 18 View this dissertation
Dactylis glomerata Fl. Belg. 112 13 View this dissertation
Atriplex patula Fl. Belg. 112 23 View this dissertation
Linum catharticum Fl. Belg. 112 15 as catarthicum View this dissertation
Ranunculus lingua Fl. Belg. 112 18 View this dissertation
Arctium lappa Fl. Belg. 112 20 View this dissertation
Eryngium maritimum Fl. Belg. 112 15 View this dissertation
Cochlearia anglica Fl. Belg. 112 19 View this dissertation
Parnassia palustris Fl. Belg. 112 15 View this dissertation
Sisymbrium amphibium Fl. Belg. 112 19 View this dissertation
