Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Pinus sylvestris Arb. Svec. 101 11 View this dissertation
Fagus sylvatica Arb. Svec. 101 22 View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Arb. Svec. 101 8 View this dissertation
Betula alnus Arb. Svec. 101 9 View this dissertation
Pyrus communis Arb. Svec. 101 7 View this dissertation
Pinus sylvestris Arb. Svec. 101 13 View this dissertation
Festuca ovina Arb. Svec. 101 10 View this dissertation
Taxus baccata Arb. Svec. 101 13 View this dissertation
Betula alnus Arb. Svec. 101 17 View this dissertation
Pyrus communis Arb. Svec. 101 9 View this dissertation
Pinus sylvestris Arb. Svec. 101 15 View this dissertation
Frangula Arb. Svec. 101 21 View this dissertation
Tilia Arb. Svec. 101 30 View this dissertation
Betula alnus Arb. Svec. 101 24 View this dissertation
Pyrus communis Arb. Svec. 101 20 View this dissertation
Pinus sylvestris Arb. Svec. 101 30 View this dissertation
Fraxinus Arb. Svec. 101 17 View this dissertation
Tilia europaea Arb. Svec. 101 7 View this dissertation
Betula nana Arb. Svec. 101 29 View this dissertation
Pyrus malus Arb. Svec. 101 7 View this dissertation
Abies Arb. Svec. 101 15 View this dissertation
Polytrichum Arb. Svec. 101 15 View this dissertation
Fraxinus Arb. Svec. 101 30 View this dissertation
Tilia europaea Arb. Svec. 101 8 View this dissertation
Bryum Arb. Svec. 101 15 View this dissertation
