Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Daphne Fr. Svec. 091 [ii] View this dissertation
Lonicera periclymenum Fr. Svec. 091 4 View this dissertation
Salix Fr. Svec. 091 15 View this dissertation
Berberis Fr. Svec. 091 [ii] View this dissertation
Robinia Fr. Svec. 091 [ii] View this dissertation
Syringa Fr. Svec. 091 [ii] View this dissertation
Ligustrum Fr. Svec. 091 23 View this dissertation
Prunus spinosa Fr. Svec. 091 26 View this dissertation
Salix pentandra Fr. Svec. 091 12 View this dissertation
Daphne mezereum Fr. Svec. 091 4 View this dissertation
Lonicera periclymenum Fr. Svec. 091 17 View this dissertation
Salix Fr. Svec. 091 [ii] View this dissertation
Berberis vulgaris Fr. Svec. 091 4 View this dissertation
Robinia caragana Fr. Svec. 091 22 View this dissertation
Ligustrum Fr. Svec. 091 24 View this dissertation
Pyrola Fr. Svec. 091 [ii] View this dissertation
Salix pentandra Fr. Svec. 091 25 View this dissertation
Daphne mezereum Fr. Svec. 091 19 View this dissertation
Lonicera periclymenum Fr. Svec. 091 22 View this dissertation
Salix amygdalina Fr. Svec. 091 3 View this dissertation
Berberis vulgaris Fr. Svec. 091 14 View this dissertation
Robinia frutex Fr. Svec. 091 5 View this dissertation
Ligustrum Fr. Svec. 091 25 View this dissertation
Pyrola umbellata Fr. Svec. 091 5 View this dissertation
Salix phylicifolia Fr. Svec. 091 3 View this dissertation
