Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Zoopterygius Nat. pelagi 084 9 View this dissertation
Nereis noctiluca Nat. pelagi 084 15 View this dissertation
Cancer pinnotheres Nat. pelagi 084 10 as pinotheres View this dissertation
Zoopterygius Nat. pelagi 084 12 View this dissertation
Oniscus Nat. pelagi 084 10 View this dissertation
Clio Nat. pelagi 084 10 View this dissertation
Orthocera Nat. pelagi 084 8 View this dissertation
Clupea tropica Nat. pelagi 084 12 View this dissertation
Pelecanus aquilus Nat. pelagi 084 13 as Pelicanus View this dissertation
Coryphaena Nat. pelagi 084 11 View this dissertation
Pelecanus bassanus Nat. pelagi 084 13 as basanus View this dissertation
Coryphaena Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
Pelecanus piscator Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
Coryphaena equiselis Nat. pelagi 084 11 View this dissertation
Penna marina Nat. pelagi 084 9 View this dissertation
Coryphaena hippuris Nat. pelagi 084 11 View this dissertation
Penna marina Nat. pelagi 084 15 View this dissertation
Coryphaena pompylus Nat. pelagi 084 11 View this dissertation
Phaeton aethereus Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
Culex Nat. pelagi 084 10 View this dissertation
Phaeton demersus Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
Physeter Nat. pelagi 084 14 as Physecter View this dissertation
Cymbium Nat. pelagi 084 10 View this dissertation
Procellaria aequinoctialis Nat. pelagi 084 12 View this dissertation
Cyprinus pelagicus Nat. pelagi 084 12 View this dissertation
