Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Triticum repens Metam. pl. 067 9 View this dissertation
Ranunculus aquatilis Metam. pl. 067 16 View this dissertation
Lychnis apetala Metam. pl. 067 22 View this dissertation
Coreopsis bidens Metam. pl. 067 21 View this dissertation
Tussilago Metam. pl. 067 14 View this dissertation
Ranunculus bulbosus Metam. pl. 067 16 View this dissertation
Lychnis dioica Metam. pl. 067 22 View this dissertation
Crambe Metam. pl. 067 15 View this dissertation
Zygophyllum Metam. pl. 067 13 View this dissertation
Ranunculus bullata Metam. pl. 067 15 View this dissertation
Lychnis dioica Metam. pl. 067 23 View this dissertation
Crambe Metam. pl. 067 15 View this dissertation
