Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Psittacus brachiurus, viridis, pectore urrhopygioque coccineis, vertice caeruleo Chin. Lagerstr. 064 8 as caerulaeo View this dissertation
Balistes capistratos Chin. Lagerstr. 064 21 View this dissertation
Nereis caerulea Chin. Lagerstr. 064 29 as coerulaea View this dissertation
Loxia remigibus rectricibusque nigris Chin. Lagerstr. 064 17 View this dissertation
Fucus tendo Chin. Lagerstr. 064 36 View this dissertation
Psittacus macrourus Chin. Lagerstr. 064 8 View this dissertation
Balistes lineis nigris ab oculis radiantibus Chin. Lagerstr. 064 21 View this dissertation
Nereis sacculo induta Chin. Lagerstr. 064 29 View this dissertation
Loxia rostro pedibusque sanguineis corpore supra griseo, subtus pallido Chin. Lagerstr. 064 16 as grisaeo View this dissertation
Gobius dentibus maxillae inferioris horizontalibus Chin. Lagerstr. 064 25 View this dissertation
Psittacus minutissimus Chin. Lagerstr. 064 8 View this dissertation
Balistes ringens Chin. Lagerstr. 064 21 as rigens View this dissertation
Nereis sacculo induta Chin. Lagerstr. 064 36 View this dissertation
Loxia rubra, fronte nigrae Chin. Lagerstr. 064 15 View this dissertation
Gobius nebulosus Chin. Lagerstr. 064 25 View this dissertation
Psittacus viridis, pectore sanguineo, gula nigra Chin. Lagerstr. 064 8 as sanguinaeo View this dissertation
Bombax Chin. Lagerstr. 064 5 View this dissertation
Ostracion hispidus Chin. Lagerstr. 064 22 View this dissertation
Loxia sanguinirostris Chin. Lagerstr. 064 16 View this dissertation
Gobius pectinirostris Chin. Lagerstr. 064 25 View this dissertation
Ramphastos cornutus Chin. Lagerstr. 064 9 View this dissertation
Cancer brachyurus, fronte retusa, testae lateribus transversim striatis Chin. Lagerstr. 064 27 as rotusa View this dissertation
Ostracion tetraodon, ventricosus, corpore toto muricato Chin. Lagerstr. 064 22 View this dissertation
Loxia viridi coerulea, remigibus rectricibusque nigris Chin. Lagerstr. 064 18 as coeruloea View this dissertation
Gobius pectinirostris Chin. Lagerstr. 064 36 View this dissertation
