Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Ornithogalum luteum Stat. pl. 055 17 View this dissertation
Sonchus alpinus Stat. pl. 055 16 View this dissertation
Carlina vulgaris Stat. pl. 055 21 View this dissertation
Allium oleraceum Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
Primula veris Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
Vicia sepium Stat. pl. 055 17 View this dissertation
Erica tetralix Stat. pl. 055 15 View this dissertation
Hyoscyamus niger Stat. pl. 055 20 View this dissertation
Scorzonera humilis Stat. pl. 055 21 View this dissertation
Calla palustris Stat. pl. 055 13 View this dissertation
Ulva latissima Stat. pl. 055 12 View this dissertation
Dactylis glomerata Stat. pl. 055 20 View this dissertation
Geranium sanguineum Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
Aster tripolium Stat. pl. 055 12 View this dissertation
Lychnis viscaria Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
Thalictrum flavum Stat. pl. 055 14 View this dissertation
Cichorium intybus Stat. pl. 055 20 View this dissertation
Festuca ovina Stat. pl. 055 16 View this dissertation
Pinus abies Stat. pl. 055 18 View this dissertation
Lathyrus sylvestris Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
Archangelica Stat. pl. 055 7 View this dissertation
Rhodiola rosea Stat. pl. 055 16 View this dissertation
Ornithogalum minimum Stat. pl. 055 17 View this dissertation
Sonchus arvensis Stat. pl. 055 18 View this dissertation
Carpinus betulus Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
