Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Erysimum officinale Stat. pl. 055 20 View this dissertation
Phalaris arundinacea Stat. pl. 055 13 View this dissertation
Crataegus oxyacantha Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
Ulva latissima Stat. pl. 055 12 View this dissertation
Juncus trifidus Stat. pl. 055 16 View this dissertation
Rumex acetosella Stat. pl. 055 21 View this dissertation
Asperugo procumbens Stat. pl. 055 20 View this dissertation
Ophioglossum vulgatum Stat. pl. 055 23 View this dissertation
Chenopodium maritimum Stat. pl. 055 12 View this dissertation
Spiraea ulmaria Stat. pl. 055 14 View this dissertation
Thalictrum flavum Stat. pl. 055 14 View this dissertation
Pyrola uniflora Stat. pl. 055 18 View this dissertation
Hieracium umbellatum Stat. pl. 055 21 View this dissertation
Anthemis cotula Stat. pl. 055 20 View this dissertation
Sedum telephium Stat. pl. 055 23 View this dissertation
Melica ciliata Stat. pl. 055 23 View this dissertation
Carex arenaria Stat. pl. 055 21 View this dissertation
Genista pilosa Stat. pl. 055 21 View this dissertation
Aira caerulea Stat. pl. 055 14 View this dissertation
Saxifraga cernua Stat. pl. 055 16 View this dissertation
Epilobium angustifolium Stat. pl. 055 23 View this dissertation
Vicia sylvatica Stat. pl. 055 17 View this dissertation
Lolium perenne Stat. pl. 055 20 View this dissertation
Bromus arvensis Stat. pl. 055 19 View this dissertation
Eupatorium cannabinum Stat. pl. 055 13 View this dissertation
