Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Achillea ptarmica Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Xanthium strumarium Pl. officin. 052 20 View this dissertation
Pastinaca opopanax Pl. officin. 052 14 View this dissertation
Camphorosma monspeliaca Pl. officin. 052 6 View this dissertation
Trapa natans Pl. officin. 052 14 View this dissertation
Helleborus niger Pl. officin. 052 11 View this dissertation
Myrtus pimenta Pl. officin. 052 15 View this dissertation
Athamanta meum Pl. officin. 052 13 View this dissertation
Ferula assa foetida Pl. officin. 052 5 View this dissertation
Spiraea filipendula Pl. officin. 052 17 View this dissertation
Rhodiola rosea Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Cucurbita citrullus Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Lonicera periclymenum Pl. officin. 052 6 View this dissertation
Antirrhinum majus Pl. officin. 052 4 View this dissertation
Cynomorium Pl. officin. 052 13 View this dissertation
Sanicula europaea Pl. officin. 052 17 View this dissertation
Polypodium filix mas Pl. officin. 052 10 View this dissertation
Cistus Pl. officin. 052 11 View this dissertation
Laurus camphora Pl. officin. 052 6 View this dissertation
Aconitum anthora Pl. officin. 052 4 View this dissertation
Rhus copalinum Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Pastinaca sativa Pl. officin. 052 14 View this dissertation
Cannabis sativa Pl. officin. 052 6 View this dissertation
Tremella auricula Pl. officin. 052 5 View this dissertation
Herniaria glabra Pl. officin. 052 11 View this dissertation
