Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Quercus robur Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Crataegus aria suecica Pl. officin. 052 18 View this dissertation
Crataegus aria suecica Pl. officin. 052 18 View this dissertation
Linnaea borealis Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
Anemone pulsatilla Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Salix alba Pl. officin. 052 17 View this dissertation
Plantago cynops Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Chenopodium vulvaria Pl. officin. 052 20 View this dissertation
Lagurus nardus Pl. officin. 052 14 View this dissertation
Vicia faba Pl. officin. 052 10 View this dissertation
Padus laurocerasus Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
Bubon macedonicum Pl. officin. 052 15 View this dissertation
Thlaspi bursa-pastoris Pl. officin. 052 6 View this dissertation
Gratiola officinalis Pl. officin. 052 11 View this dissertation
Mirabilis jalapa Pl. officin. 052 11 View this dissertation
Asphodelus ramosus Pl. officin. 052 5 View this dissertation
Erysimum officinale Pl. officin. 052 10 View this dissertation
Smilax china Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Quercus suber Pl. officin. 052 19 View this dissertation
Smilax sarsaparilla Pl. officin. 052 17 View this dissertation
Ranunculus ficaria Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Crocus sativus officinalis Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Linum catharticum Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
Anethum foeniculum Pl. officin. 052 10 View this dissertation
Salvia horminum Pl. officin. 052 11 as horminium View this dissertation
