Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Punica granatum Pl. officin. 052 11 View this dissertation
Cordia myxa Pl. officin. 052 17 View this dissertation
Lichen islandicus Pl. officin. 052 13 View this dissertation
Avicennia officinalis Pl. officin. 052 4 as Avicenna View this dissertation
Teucrium chamaepitys Pl. officin. 052 7 as camaepithys View this dissertation
Humulus lupulus Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
Piper nigrum Pl. officin. 052 15 View this dissertation
Chaerophyllum sylvestre Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Verbena officinalis Pl. officin. 052 19 View this dissertation
Arbutus uva-ursi Pl. officin. 052 20 View this dissertation
Scorzonera humilis Pl. officin. 052 17 View this dissertation
Fraxinus excelsior Pl. officin. 052 10 as exelsior View this dissertation
Origanum creticum Pl. officin. 052 14 View this dissertation
Adiantum capillus veneris Pl. officin. 052 6 View this dissertation
Agrimonia eupatoria Pl. officin. 052 4 View this dissertation
Rumex Pl. officin. 052 16 View this dissertation
Datura stramonium Pl. officin. 052 9 View this dissertation
Menyanthes trifoliata Pl. officin. 052 19 View this dissertation
Punica granatum Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
Coriandrum sativum Pl. officin. 052 8 View this dissertation
Lichen plicatus Pl. officin. 052 13 View this dissertation
Bellis perennis Pl. officin. 052 6 View this dissertation
Teucrium creticum Pl. officin. 052 15 View this dissertation
Hymenaea Pl. officin. 052 4 View this dissertation
Pistacia lentiscus Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
