Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Rhodiola rosea Demonstr. pl. 049 26 View this dissertation
Jasminum odoratissimum Demonstr. pl. 049 [1] View this dissertation
Thalictrum minus Demonstr. pl. 049 15 View this dissertation
Caucalis platycarpos Demonstr. pl. 049 8 View this dissertation
Antholyza cunonia Demonstr. pl. 049 2 View this dissertation
Mimosa senegal Demonstr. pl. 049 14 View this dissertation
Geranium capitatum Demonstr. pl. 049 18 View this dissertation
Scilla amoena Demonstr. pl. 049 10 View this dissertation
Avena loeflingiana Demonstr. pl. 049 3 View this dissertation
Lapsana chondrilloides Demonstr. pl. 049 22 View this dissertation
Viburnum opulus rosea Demonstr. pl. 049 9 View this dissertation
Convallaria verticillata Demonstr. pl. 049 10 View this dissertation
Passiflora caerulea Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
Hibiscus virginicus Demonstr. pl. 049 19 View this dissertation
Stachys germanica Demonstr. pl. 049 16 View this dissertation
Campanula speculum veneris Demonstr. pl. 049 5 View this dissertation
Medicago arborea Demonstr. pl. 049 21 View this dissertation
Datura ferox Demonstr. pl. 049 6 View this dissertation
Ptelea trifoliata Demonstr. pl. 049 4 View this dissertation
Ammi majus Demonstr. pl. 049 8 View this dissertation
Valeriana locusta coronata Demonstr. pl. 049 2 View this dissertation
Circaea canadensis Demonstr. pl. 049 [1] View this dissertation
Origanum majorana Demonstr. pl. 049 16 View this dissertation
Salvia verticillata Demonstr. pl. 049 2 View this dissertation
Helianthus giganteus Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
