Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Chrysomela viridi-caerulea, elytris testaceis Hosp. insect. fl. 043 35 View this dissertation
Phalaena nasuta Hosp. insect. fl. 043 22 View this dissertation
Alchemilla vulgaris Hosp. insect. fl. 043 16 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor beta Hosp. insect. fl. 043 31 View this dissertation
Phalaena vinula minor Hosp. insect. fl. 043 23 View this dissertation
Chenopodium purpurascens Hosp. insect. fl. 043 18 View this dissertation
Tenthredo populnea Hosp. insect. fl. 043 38 View this dissertation
Geranium batrachioides Hosp. insect. fl. 043 28 View this dissertation
Phalaena geometra Hosp. insect. fl. 043 27 View this dissertation
Papilio hiemalis Hosp. insect. fl. 043 23 View this dissertation
Phalaena seticornis spirilinguis nasuta, fasciis argenteis variis Hosp. insect. fl. 043 21 View this dissertation
Cynips granularia Hosp. insect. fl. 043 34 View this dissertation
Cantharis Hosp. insect. fl. 043 35 View this dissertation
Phalaena bombyx Hosp. insect. fl. 043 32 View this dissertation
Nymphaea Hosp. insect. fl. 043 40 View this dissertation
Corylus Hosp. insect. fl. 043 40 View this dissertation
Phalaena pectinicornis spirilinguis Hosp. insect. fl. 043 16 View this dissertation
Aphis sambuci Hosp. insect. fl. 043 19 View this dissertation
Phalaena Hosp. insect. fl. 043 22 View this dissertation
Quercus Hosp. insect. fl. 043 40 View this dissertation
Lotus corniculata Hosp. insect. fl. 043 29 View this dissertation
Chrysomela viridis, elytris griseis, thorace pone tridentato Hosp. insect. fl. 043 17 View this dissertation
Phalaena nasuta Hosp. insect. fl. 043 24 View this dissertation
Phalaena nasuta Hosp. insect. fl. 043 34 View this dissertation
Alnus Hosp. insect. fl. 043 40 View this dissertation
