Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Acnide Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 [13, as 15] View this dissertation
Sarothra Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 48 View this dissertation
Elymus Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 10 View this dissertation
Mimulus Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 12 View this dissertation
Phryma Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 34 View this dissertation
Cracca Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 48 View this dissertation
Bartsia Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 9 View this dissertation
Hydrangea Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 9 View this dissertation
Nyssa Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 10 View this dissertation
Capraria foliis alternis, corollis quinquefidis Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 38 View this dissertation
Stewartia Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 10 View this dissertation
Andromeda foliis ovatis obtusis, corollis corymbosis infundibuliformibus, genitalibus declinatis Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 19 View this dissertation
Gaura Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 47 View this dissertation
Acnide Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 32 View this dissertation
Sarracenia Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 9 as Sarracena View this dissertation
Elymus Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 12 View this dissertation
Mitchella Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 8 View this dissertation
Phryma Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 48 View this dissertation
Cracca leguminibus binis lateralibus glabris, foliolis emarginatis subtus sericeis, caule fruticoso Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 32 View this dissertation
Bryum ampullaceum, foliis thymi pellucidis, collo strictiore Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 47 View this dissertation
Hydrophyllum Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 8 View this dissertation
Obolaria Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 10 View this dissertation
Capraria foliis integerrimis Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 [13, as 15] View this dissertation
Stewartia Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 12 View this dissertation
Angiopteris Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 10 View this dissertation
