Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Lithospermum Sapor. med. 031 9 View this dissertation
Consolida major Sapor. med. 031 12 View this dissertation
Zingiber Sapor. med. 031 19 View this dissertation
Alcea Sapor. med. 031 12 View this dissertation
Rhus Sapor. med. 031 15 View this dissertation
Lupulus Sapor. med. 031 18 View this dissertation
Convallaria Sapor. med. 031 20 View this dissertation
Allium Sapor. med. 031 19 View this dissertation
Ribes Sapor. med. 031 14 View this dissertation
Lycoperdon Sapor. med. 031 9 View this dissertation
Coriaria Sapor. med. 031 15 View this dissertation
Aloe Sapor. med. 031 18 View this dissertation
Rosa Sapor. med. 031 15 View this dissertation
Lycopodium Sapor. med. 031 9 View this dissertation
Cotinus Sapor. med. 031 15 View this dissertation
Althaea Sapor. med. 031 12 View this dissertation
Rubus Sapor. med. 031 14 View this dissertation
Malva Sapor. med. 031 12 View this dissertation
Cydonia Sapor. med. 031 12 View this dissertation
Angelica Sapor. med. 031 19 View this dissertation
Ruta Sapor. med. 031 19 View this dissertation
Mespilus Sapor. med. 031 15 View this dissertation
Cydonia Sapor. med. 031 15 View this dissertation
Arabis Sapor. med. 031 12 View this dissertation
Salicornia Sapor. med. 031 13 View this dissertation
