Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Hirudo depressa fusca: margine laterali flavo Mat. med. anim. 029 18 View this dissertation
Coluber scutis abdominalibus 145, squamis caudalibus 36 Mat. med. anim. 029 12 View this dissertation
Vulpes Mat. med. anim. 029 3 View this dissertation
Balaena nahrwal Mat. med. anim. 029 12 View this dissertation
Pavo Mat. med. anim. 029 9 View this dissertation
Pavo cauda longa Mat. med. anim. 029 9 View this dissertation
Hirudo maxime in anglia vulgaris Mat. med. anim. 029 18 View this dissertation
Coluber scutis abdominalibus 176, squamis caudalibus 60 Mat. med. anim. 029 12 View this dissertation
Bombyx Mat. med. anim. 029 15 View this dissertation
Perca fluviatilis Mat. med. anim. 029 13 View this dissertation
Hirundo dorso nigro caerulescente, rectricibus immaculatis Mat. med. anim. 029 11 View this dissertation
Columba caerulescens, collo nitido, macula duplici alarum nigricante Mat. med. anim. 029 10 View this dissertation
Bos Mat. med. anim. 029 8 View this dissertation
Perca pinnis dorsalibus distinctis: secunda radiis sedecim Mat. med. anim. 029 13 View this dissertation
Columba domestica seu vulgaris Mat. med. anim. 029 10 View this dissertation
Bos cornibus teretibus flexis Mat. med. anim. 029 8 View this dissertation
Perdix cinerea Mat. med. anim. 029 10 View this dissertation
Columba vulgaris Mat. med. anim. 029 10 View this dissertation
Boschas major Mat. med. anim. 029 9 View this dissertation
Phalaena pectinicornis elinguis, bombyx dicta Mat. med. anim. 029 15 View this dissertation
Concha margarifera Mat. med. anim. 029 19 View this dissertation
Bufo Mat. med. anim. 029 11 View this dissertation
Pica caudata varia Mat. med. anim. 029 8 View this dissertation
Concha testa subrotunda rugosa substriata: valvis inaequalibus, cardine obliterato Mat. med. anim. 029 19 View this dissertation
Caballus Mat. med. anim. 029 5 View this dissertation
