Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Arum Gem. arb. 024 8 View this dissertation
Lonicera ruthenica Gem. arb. 024 18 View this dissertation
Tilia communis Gem. arb. 024 29 View this dissertation
Salix viminalis Gem. arb. 024 28 View this dissertation
Dentaria Gem. arb. 024 5 View this dissertation
Populus Gem. arb. 024 9 View this dissertation
Asclepias Gem. arb. 024 6 View this dissertation
Lonicera xylosteum Gem. arb. 024 18 View this dissertation
Ulmus campestris Gem. arb. 024 29 View this dissertation
Sambucus arborea Gem. arb. 024 20 View this dissertation
Diervilla acadiensis Gem. arb. 024 18 View this dissertation
Populus Gem. arb. 024 12 View this dissertation
Azalea floribus pulcherrimis speciosis rubris, folio oblongo-lanceolatis petiolis admodum crassis semper virentibus Gem. arb. 024 17 View this dissertation
Malpighia Gem. arb. 024 6 View this dissertation
Vaccinium maximum Gem. arb. 024 16 View this dissertation
Saururus Gem. arb. 024 8 View this dissertation
Dioscorea Gem. arb. 024 5 View this dissertation
Populus alba Gem. arb. 024 29 View this dissertation
Baobab Gem. arb. 024 6 as Bahobab View this dissertation
Maranta Gem. arb. 024 8 View this dissertation
Vaccinium minus Gem. arb. 024 16 View this dissertation
Vaccinium oxycoccos Gem. arb. 024 16 View this dissertation
Saxifraga Gem. arb. 024 5 View this dissertation
Dracontium Gem. arb. 024 8 View this dissertation
Populus nigra Gem. arb. 024 29 View this dissertation
