Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Guidonia nucis juglandis folio, major Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 18 View this dissertation
Alsinoides Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 2 View this dissertation
Cressa Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [vi] View this dissertation
Sterculia foliis ovalibus integerrimis, alternis petiolatis, floribus paniculatis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 29 View this dissertation
Ceratocarpus Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 28 View this dissertation
Polypremum Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [iv] View this dissertation
Bartramia Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [vi] View this dissertation
Mimusops foliis alternis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 14 View this dissertation
Guidonia nucis juglandis folio, minor Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 18 View this dissertation
Amethystea Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 1 as Ametystea View this dissertation
Cuscuta foliis subcordatis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 13 View this dissertation
Stewartia Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [iv] as Stewertia View this dissertation
Ceratocarpus Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [vi] View this dissertation
Porella Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [iv] View this dissertation
Basella Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 12 View this dissertation
Mimusops foliis confertis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 14 View this dissertation
Hansape Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 10 View this dissertation
Amethystea Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 2 View this dissertation
Cynometra Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [iv] View this dissertation
Synanchia Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 32 View this dissertation
Ceratospermum Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 28 View this dissertation
Potamogeton marinum, in utriculis epiphyllo spermon, minus Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 27 View this dissertation
Basella Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 13 View this dissertation
Mnium Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [iv] View this dissertation
Hedera indica, folio simplici integro, claviculata, racemosa, racemis laxis, uvis rotundis nigris Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 6 View this dissertation
