Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Heracleum Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
Pepo Hort. Upsal. 007 35 View this dissertation
Tordylium Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
Euphorbia aculeata triangularis subnuda articulata, ramis patentibus Hort. Upsal. 007 38 View this dissertation
Moehringia Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
Securidaca Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
Ascyrum Hort. Upsal. 007 34 as Aschyron View this dissertation
Cyperus Hort. Upsal. 007 41 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis ovatis acuminatis: caulinis quinquefariam imbricatis Hort. Upsal. 007 39 View this dissertation
Lupinus Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
Cochlearia glastifolia Hort. Upsal. 007 35 View this dissertation
Rhodiola Hort. Upsal. 007 33 View this dissertation
Hermannia Hort. Upsal. 007 37 View this dissertation
Persica Hort. Upsal. 007 36 View this dissertation
Torpedo Hort. Upsal. 007 43 View this dissertation
Euphorbia inermis fruticosa nuda filiformis volubilis, cicatricibus oppositis Hort. Upsal. 007 39 View this dissertation
Mollugo Hort. Upsal. 007 37 View this dissertation
Sedum Hort. Upsal. 007 35 View this dissertation
Aspalathus Hort. Upsal. 007 34 as Asphalathus View this dissertation
Cyprinus auratus chinensium Hort. Upsal. 007 43 View this dissertation
Aloe foliis ovato-lanceolatis carnosis apice triquetris, angulis inermibus dentatis Hort. Upsal. 007 39 View this dissertation
Lycium Hort. Upsal. 007 36 View this dissertation
Coffea Hort. Upsal. 007 36 View this dissertation
Rhus africana Hort. Upsal. 007 37 View this dissertation
Hesperis Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
