Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Ameira Amphib. Gyll. 005 21 View this dissertation
Testudo stellata Amphib. Gyll. 005 34 View this dissertation
Ranula americana rubra Amphib. Gyll. 005 29 View this dissertation
Lacerta indica Amphib. Gyll. 005 27 View this dissertation
Crocodilus leviathan jobi Amphib. Gyll. 005 16 View this dissertation
Anguis Amphib. Gyll. 005 2 View this dissertation
Testudo terrestris pusilla ex india orientali Amphib. Gyll. 005 33 View this dissertation
Salamandra Amphib. Gyll. 005 15 View this dissertation
Lacerta indica squamis et verrucis rotundis, digitis latis interne rugosis Amphib. Gyll. 005 27 View this dissertation
Crocodilus qui per totam indiam, cayman audit Amphib. Gyll. 005 16 View this dissertation
Anguis Amphib. Gyll. 005 4 View this dissertation
Testudo tessellata minor Amphib. Gyll. 005 34 View this dissertation
Salamandra Amphib. Gyll. 005 25 View this dissertation
Lacerta seu leguana surinamensis pectinata et strumosa coerulea foemina Amphib. Gyll. 005 18 View this dissertation
Draco volans Amphib. Gyll. 005 15 View this dissertation
