homogamous 2 |
reproduction |
plant, inflorescence |
Having flowers that do not differ in sexual constitution. |
spathaceous 1 |
architecture |
plant, inflorescence |
Bearing a spathe or spathes. |
heterogamous |
reproduction |
plant, inflorescence |
Having flowers that differ distinctly in size, shape and/or constitution. |
sterile |
reproduction |
plant, reproductive structure |
Not producing functional spores, gametes, pollen, ovules, seeds, or other propagules. |
fertile |
reproduction |
plant, reproductive structure |
Producing functional spores, gametes, pollen, ovules, seeds, or other propagules. |
gamophyllous |
architecture |
plant, shoot axis, involucre |
Having pairs or whorls of leaves or bracts that are connate at their edges. |
diffuse |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Having branches remote and divergent to divaricate. |
annual 1 |
duration |
plant, stem |
Normally living one year or less; growing, reproducing, and dying within one cycle of seasons. |
tillering |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Producing tillers; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae) and other monocotyledons (Liliidae). |
foliate |
= leaf-bearing |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Bearing leaves. |
…foliate |
= …leaved |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Having (only) the number of leaves indicated by the prefix; as in hexafoliate, trifoliate. |
biennial 1 |
duration |
plant, stem |
Normally living two years; germinating or forming and growing vegetatively during one cycle of seasons, then reproducing sexually and dying during the following one. |
wind-pollinated |
= anemophilous |
reproduction |
plant, strobilus, flower |
Having the pollen normally transported between strobili or flowers by air currents. |
anemophilous |
= wind-pollinated |
reproduction |
plant, strobilus, flower |
Having the pollen normally transported between strobili or flowers by air currents. |
insect-pollinated |
= entomophilous |
reproduction |
plant, strobilus, flower |
Having the pollen normally transported between strobili or flowers by insects. |
entomophilous |
= insect-pollinated |
reproduction |
plant, strobilus, flower |
Having the pollen normally transported between strobili or flowers by insects. |
aerial-rooted |
> climbing-rooted |
architecture |
plant, structure |
Bearing aerial roots. |
proliferous |
reproduction |
plant, structure |
Bearing plantlets, as from the leaf margin in some Kalanchoë (Crassulaceae). |
floriferous |
= flower-bearing |
architecture |
plant, structure |
Bearing flowers. |
flower-bearing |
= floriferous |
architecture |
plant, structure |
Bearing flowers. |
insectivorous |
< carnivorous |
nutrition |
plant, structure |
Capturing insects, digesting their tissues by means of exoenzymes secreted by specialized cells or tissues, and assimilating the digested substances as nourishment, especially for nitrogen. |
climbing-rooted |
< aerial-rooted |
architecture |
plant, structure |
Bearing climbing roots. |
submerged |
= submersed |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Beneath the water surface. |
submersed |
= submerged |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Beneath the water surface. |
emergent |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Rising from beneath the water surface to a point above it. |