interrupted 1 |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with the leaflets alternately large and small. |
didynamous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Diadelphous with two stamens in each set. See also tetradynamous. |
leafless |
= aphyllous |
architecture |
plant, axis |
Not bearing leaves. |
many-stemmed |
= multicipital |
architecture |
plant |
Having many, more or less equal, principal stems arising at substrate level from a caudex or root crown. |
clathrate |
= cancellate, latticed |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having portions of the blade naturally devoid of any but vascular tissue, which forms an open lattice in those areas. |
petaloid |
= petal-like |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a petal in shape, texture and color. |
dendritic |
= tree-like |
architecture |
Like the branched axial structure of a tree. |
jointed |
= articulate(d) |
architecture |
Elongate with one or more distinct, relatively narrow zones of demarcation between adjacent main portions of the whole, these joints (articulations) often thicker and sometimes sites of eventual abscission. |
monolete |
architecture |
spore |
Having a single linear tetrad scar (surficial ridge or angle resulting from ontogenetic coherence with others produced from the same spore mother cell). |
spinose 2 |
= echinate, spiny |
architecture |
Bearing spines. See also spinulose. |
amentate |
= catkinate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more aments. |
interrupted 2 |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having one or more gaps in an otherwise uniform distribution of flowers or branch units along the main axis. |
colpate |
= fossulate, furrowed, grooved, sulcate, valleculate |
architecture |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and shallow depressions (colpi). |
diffuse |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Having branches remote and divergent to divaricate. |
paleate |
= chaffy |
architecture |
receptacle (torus) |
Bearing paleae (pales, palets, receptacular bracts); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
indusiate |
architecture |
sorus |
Having an indusium. |
unifacial |
architecture |
Having two opposite broad surfaces that are essentially similar in appearance. |
…petalous |
= …petaled |
architecture |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having the number of petals indicated by the prefix; as in pentapetalous. |
haplocheilic |
= simple-lipped |
architecture |
stomate |
Having subsidiary cells not derived from the primary stoma mother cell and thus not immediately related ontogenetically to the guard cells. |
anthelate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more anthelae; esp. in Juncaceae. |
monopodial |
architecture |
axes |
Branching laterally, each axis of each order of branches produced by a single, persistently dominant, apical meristem. See also sympodial. |
…morphic |
architecture |
Existing within the taxon in the number of distinct structural states indicated by the prefix, the states segregated in different sets of plants or not; as in monomorphic, polymorphic, trimorphic. |
ascidiate 1 |
= pitcher-bladed |
architecture |
leaf |
Having an ascidiform (pitcher-shaped) blade; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |
…colpate |
= …fossulate, …furrowed, …grooved, …sulcate, …valleculate |
architecture |
Having the number of colpi indicated by the prefix; esp. pollen grains; as in monocolpate, polycolpate, 3-colpate. |
pitcher-bladed |
= ascidiate |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a pitcher-shaped (ascidiform) blade; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |