stoloniferous |
= runnering, sarmentose |
architecture |
plant |
Producing stolons (runners), by means of which it propagates vegetatively. |
gigantic |
size |
plant |
Strongly enlarged; unusually or unexpectedly very large throughout. |
scapose |
= scapigerous |
architecture |
plant |
Having the inflorescence borne upon a leafless, essentially naked axis (scape) that arises directly from a caudex or rhizome beneath, at, or slightly above the substrate surface. |
radicate |
= rooted |
architecture |
plant |
Having one or more roots. |
parasitic |
nutrition |
plant |
Heterotrophic and obtaining essential nourishment directly from other living organisms that derive no reciprocal benefit. |
aquatic |
habit |
plant |
Growing in water. |
many-stemmed |
= multicipital |
architecture |
plant |
Having many, more or less equal, principal stems arising at substrate level from a caudex or root crown. |
hapaxanthic |
= monocarpic |
reproduction |
plant |
Normally reproducing sexually only once, then promptly senescent. |
fleshy-stemmed |
= sarcocaulous |
texture |
plant |
Having main stems that are fleshy (carnose, sarcous). |
hemiepiphytic |
habit |
plant |
Partially epiphytic; rooted in the ground but with stems growing upon and supported mainly by other plants. |
pliestesial |
duration |
plant |
Perennial and monocarpic, living several to many years before reproducing sexually, dying promptly thereafter. |
arboreous |
< tree-form |
habit |
plant |
Having the character of a tree. See also arborescent, bushy, frutescent, fruticose, subshrubby, suffrutescent, suffruticose, woody-clumping. |
hemiparasitic |
nutrition |
plant |
Partially parasitic; facultatively heterotrophic to a limited degree and capable of obtaining a portion of its essential nourishment directly from other living organisms, to which no reciprocal benefit accrues. |
saprophytic |
nutrition |
plant |
Heterotrophic and obtaining essential nourishment directly from the decomposing remains of other organisms. |
arborescent |
< tree-form |
habit |
plant |
Developing the character of a tree. See also arboreous, bushy, frutescent, fruticose, subshrubby, suffrutescent, suffruticose, woody-clumping. |
pitcher-leaved |
= ascidiate |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing pitcher-bladed (ascidiate) leaves; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |
suffrutescent |
< subshrubby |
habit |
plant |
Becoming subshrubby. See also arboreous, arborescent, bushy, frutescent, fruticose, shrubby, suffruticose, woody-clumping. |
ascidiate 2 |
= pitcher-leaved |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing ascidiate (pitcher-bladed) leaves; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |
taprooted |
architecture |
plant |
Having a taproot. See also diffuse-rooted, fibrous-rooted. |
diffuse-rooted |
> fibrous-rooted |
architecture |
plant |
Having a dense system of adventitious, slender roots that arise from the base of the main stem and functionally replace an evanescent primary root. See also taprooted. |
sclerocaulous |
= hard-stemmed |
texture |
plant |
Having hard, relatively dry, but essentially herbaceous main stems that contain a significant proportion of sclerotic tissue or fibers. |
suffrutex pl. suffrutices |
= subshrub, undershrub |
nominative |
plant |
Of shrub-like form but with only the base woody, bearing herbaceous branches that die back at the end of each growing season. See also bush, frutex (shrub), tree, woody clump. |
sarcocaulous |
= fleshy-stemmed |
texture |
plant |
Having main stems that are sarcous (carnose, fleshy). |
dwarfed |
size |
plant |
Strongly reduced; unusually or unexpectedly very small throughout. |
vine |
> liana |
nominative |
plant |
Perennial, with elongate, herbaceous or ligneous stems that are flexible at least initially and that clamber, climb or trail. |