disc 1 var. disk |
Any distinct, annular to discoid structure produced from or borne upon a floral receptacle between or basal to any of the sets of floral organs; usually fleshy, often nectariferous. |
endocarp |
The innermost tissue layer of a pericarp. |
eccentric |
position |
Having a center or axis of symmetry not coincident with that of the context of reference. |
episepalous |
insertion |
Upon the sepals, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
phyllopodium pl. phyllopodia |
A stem-like axis composed of fused leaf bases; esp. in Arecaceae (Palmae), Musaceae. |
first glume |
The lower (proximal) or sometimes solitary small bract inserted at the base of a grass (Poaceae) spikelet, the second glume, when present, inserted immediately above (distal to) it. |
pericolporate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Pericolpate, each groove containing a pore. |
polyadal |
arrangement |
pollen |
Shed in groups of more than four, each group comprising grains from two or more original tetrads, the latter intact or not. |
vallecular |
position |
In or otherwise directly associated with the valleculae; esp. in fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
pseudoterminal |
insertion |
Only apparently terminal; originally subapical but displaced toward the apex by differential growth during development. |
prolate |
plane shape |
Symmetrically elongate parallel to the developmental or polar axis. |
hemiepiphytic |
habit |
plant |
Partially epiphytic; rooted in the ground but with stems growing upon and supported mainly by other plants. |
fusion |
Physical connection of equivalent or dissimilar structural entities (as recognized on evolutionary, morphological, anatomical, ontogenetic, and/or topological grounds). Terms that denote the interconnection of equivalent structures are predicated on a single collective subject and suffice in themselves to describe the condition; e.g., "sepals connate." However, those that denote the connection of dissimilar structures require explicit notation of each type of structure involved, in either a compound-subject construction or else a single-subject/object-of-preposition construction; e.g., "stamens and corolla adnate" or "stamens adnate to corolla." Qualifying detail is sometimes appropriate; e.g., "filaments connate basally," "filaments adnate to the petals over their lower halves." |
haplomorphic |
architecture |
flower |
Having the members of each set of basic floral structures numerous and spirally arranged, the flower hemispheric to conoidal overall. |
quincunx |
aestivation |
Imbricate in one whorl of five members, two wholly exterior, two wholly interior, and one partially exterior and partially interior. |
ridge |
A very narrow, elongate, relatively low protrusion; esp. on fruits in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
homogamous 2 |
reproduction |
plant, inflorescence |
Having flowers that do not differ in sexual constitution. |
internode |
Any portion of a stem between two successive nodes. |
indusium pl. indusia |
A protective membrane that is an outgrowth from the epidermis and covers a sorus during its maturation; in Polypodiophyta. |
laevigate 1 |
relief |
Very smooth. |
calyculus 2 pl. calyculi |
Collectively the bractlets (bracteoles) sometimes subtending (beneath or outside) the involucre in a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
semicircular |
arrangement |
bundle scars |
Forming an incomplete circle, like the letter C. |
acicular 1 |
plane shape |
Very slenderly elongate, widest near the middle, and gradually attenuate to an acute apex and a blunter base; like the lateral outline of a needle. |
solitary 1 |
arrangement |
Disposed singly, each remote from any others. |
anchoring |
habit |
trichome |
Serving as a means of attachment to some external support. |