horn |
= corniculum |
A straight or curved, slenderly conic or conoidal protrusion or terminal portion that resembles an animal horn. |
microsporophyll |
> cone scale |
A sporophyll that bears only microsporangia. |
placenta pl. placentae, placentas |
An ovule-bearing zone of the tissue surface bordering an ovary locule; of merely topographic, not histological, significance; may be a part of the ovary wall proper or an extension from it, or a part of the central axis of the ovary or an extension from it. |
involucre 2 |
One or more closely proximate whorls, or a compact spiral, of bracts (phyllaries) surrounding (proximal to) the compound receptacle (torus) and florets of a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
androphore |
>< stalk |
A stalk or tube that rises above the level of perianth insertion and bears the distinct portions of the androecium from its summit; as in Malvaceae, where the androphore is a tube formed by connation of the filaments. |
bristle 1 |
= arista, awn, seta |
A slender, more or less straight and stiff, fine-pointed, terminal or subterminal appendage or prolongation, sometimes a continuation of the bearing structure's central primary vein, as on a glume, lemma, or palea in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
sterigma pl. sterigmata |
A portion of a lamina that is prolonged and adherent to the supporting axis beneath the point of vascular insertion. |
bladder |
= ampulla |
A small, membranous, hollow, flask-shaped, insectivorous structure borne on a submerged leaf; esp. in Lentibulariaceae. |
hastula pl. hastulae, hastulas |
= ligule misapplied |
An outgrowth or enation from the petiole apex at its junction with the adaxial surface of a palmate leaf blade; often woody in texture; variously shaped, its adaxial outline usually resembling an inverted V or U, or a semicircle with the opening proximal; esp. in Arecaceae (Palmae). |
phyllopodium pl. phyllopodia |
A stem-like axis composed of fused leaf bases; esp. in Arecaceae (Palmae), Musaceae. |
ostiole |
The distal aperture of a syconium (fig); in Ficus (Moraceae). |
macrophyll (not recommended) |
= leaf, megaphyll; > frond, needle |
A principal, vegetative shoot organ borne laterally from a stem node; its vascular tissues, if any, continuous with those of the stem; undergoing no significant secondary growth; usually more or less bilaterally symmetrical; comprising a distal, usually laminar blade and/or a proximal stalk (petiole) or sheath; usually a primary site of photosynthesis. |
areole 1 |
= areola |
Any distinctive surficial discontinuity of generally circular outline, whether concave, flush, or convex; when protuberant, sometimes bearing trichomes or spines, as in some Cactaceae. This term is used only when such entities are deemed structurally distinctive enough to merit description in their own rights, rather than as aspects of the surface. |
fringe |
= fimbria |
A marginal series or cycle of regular, slender, closely adjacent, more or less flexible segments or protrusions, when treated as an aggregate structure. |
sheath (leaf) |
The lower (basal or proximal), fundamentally laminar but strongly involute portion of one of the non-petiolate leaves characteristic of most monocotyledons (Liliidae); distinct from the leaf blade, which, when present, is borne distally upon it; analogous, though not necessarily homologous, with a petiole; usually more or less completely enclosing a portion of the stem above the node from which the leaf is borne. |
perianth tube |
A relatively narrow, fully connate portion of a syntepalous (gamotepalous) perianth proximal to a broader portion (limb) that comprises the distinct or connate distal portions of the tepals. |
tendril |
A slender stem branch, modified leaf, or portion of a leaf that twines about a supporting structure. |
raphides sing. raphis |
Needle-like crystals of calcium oxalate contained within the cells of some plants; esp. in Araceae. |
beak 1 |
= rostrum |
A relatively long, tapering, more or less rigid and pointed enation or termination. |
wall (fruit, ovary, pollen, spore) |
The exterior layer of tissue(s) enclosing anatomically distinct interior tissues and sometimes fluid and/or one or more cavities. |
tuber |
An enlarged, basically subterranean stem segment or thallus outgrowth containing a high proportion of storage tissue and functioning as a perennating and often vegetatively propagative structure. |
runner |
= stolon |
A slender stem that grows horizontally upon or just beneath the ground surface, rooting at the nodes and giving rise to erect shoot segments at some nodes and/or at its apex. |
floret |
A very small, structurally specialized flower, especially when occurring in capitulum (head; Asteraceae), or in a spikelet (Poaceae), where it includes the immediately subtending bracts (lemma and palea). |
calyx tube |
A relatively narrow, fully connate portion of a synsepalous (gamosepalous) calyx proximal to a broader portion (limb) that comprises the distinct or connate distal portions of the sepals. |
microstrobilus |
= male cone |
A strobilus (cone) whose fertile organs are all microsporophylls. |