hilum 2 pl. hila |
The more or less central point within a starch grain of intracellular origin, about which the successive layers of starch were accreted more or less symmetrically. |
included |
position |
anther, style |
Not protruding beyond the floral envelope. See also exsert(ed). |
apiculate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the structure. See also mucronate, mucronulate. |
irregular 2 |
course |
Deviating asymmetrically from a straight line. |
calyculate 1 |
architecture |
capitulum (head) |
With the involucre subtended by a calyculus; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
bud-scale scar |
A scar on a stem due to abscission of a bud scale. The scar(s) encircle(s) the axis to which the bud was terminal, each single scar having an outline like that of a transverse section through the base of the bud scale that was inserted there. Sets of bud scale scars (one set per bud) usually delimit seasonal stem growth increments in temperate zone taxa. |
lateral |
position |
To, toward, at, or upon a side, not apical or basal. |
cauline |
position |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the stem. |
spike |
nominative |
inflorescence |
An elongate, determinate or usually indeterminate axis bearing sessile flowers inserted singly along it, unbranched or sometimes bearing lateral branches of the same nature. |
cotyliform |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Having a short, relatively broad, cupulate tube and a well differentiated, erect limb. See also cyathiform, urceolate (urn-shaped). |
berry |
nominative |
fruit |
Indehiscent, few- to many-seeded, and derived from a single, simple or compound ovary; fleshy throughout except for the seeds. See also hesperidium, pepo. |
carinal |
aestivation |
Having the petals of the keel (carina) enclosing the others. |
stilt root |
A relatively stout or strong adventitious root arising from a woody stem branch and extending downward directly toward the substrate, within which it ultimately becomes anchored, thus supporting the branch of origin; as in some Ficus (Moraceae). |
striped |
coloration |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and, when multiple, more or less parallel, areas of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
mucronulate |
apex |
Finely mucronate. See also apiculate. |
synandrous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having the stamens connate. |
superposed 2 |
position |
buds |
Axillary in pairs, one member of each pair directly above the other. |
corolla pl. corollae, corollas |
Collectively, the petals of a flower, whether distinct or connate; the inner or distal envelope of a differentiated perianth, whether the other envelope (calyx) is actually present or is deemed to be absent due to evolutionary reduction. |
throat 2 |
The fully connate portion of the limb of a disc floret, proximal to the lobes (distinct distal portions of the petals); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
divergent |
arrangement |
Directed at individually different angles from a common point or relatively limited zone of origin, thus farther apart distally than proximally. |
palmatifid |
plane shape |
Palmately lobate; having three or more lobes whose longitudinal axes radiate from a common point. |
terminal |
insertion |
Apical and with the same developmental axis as the whole, of which it is the distalmost portion or appendage. |
epigynous |
insertion |
perianth, calyx, corolla, androecium |
Having its proximal portion adnate to the full length of the gynoecium, the free portion thus arising from the apex of the gynoecium. See also hypogynous, perigynous. |
petiolar |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the petioles. |
ostiole |
The distal aperture of a syconium (fig); in Ficus (Moraceae). |