knee 1 |
An abrupt bend in an axial or other elongate structure. |
pollen |
Collectively, the spores or grains produced within the thecae of anthers, each containing a very small microgametophyte (or its evolutionary homologue); serving as disseminules from which microgametes are released after transport to a receptive micropylar pollen droplet (in Pinophyta) or stigma (in Magnoliophyta) by a variety of vectors, notably wind, water, insects, bats, and birds. |
limb 2 |
The portion of the corolla of a bisexual or staminate disc floret distal to the level of filament insertion; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
hood |
= cucullus |
A hood-shaped structure or component, esp. in an inflorescence or flower. |
microphyll |
A small, lateral, leaf-like enation that, evolutionarily, is not a true leaf, i.e., whose vasculature, if any, consists of only a single median strand not ontogenetically integral with the vasculature of the bearing stem and not associated with leaf gaps in the stele of the stem; in Bryophyta, Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta. |
areola 1 pl. areolae |
= areole |
Any distinctive surficial discontinuity of generally circular outline, whether concave, flush, or convex; when protuberant, sometimes bearing trichomes or spines, as in some Cactaceae. This term is used only when such entities are deemed structurally distinctive enough to merit description in their own rights, rather than as aspects of the surface. |
areola 2 pl. areolae |
= areole |
foliaceous structure |
Any distinguishable laminar portion bounded on all sides by anastomosing veins and not traversed or dissected by any vasculature other than veinlets. |
veinlet |
A strand belonging to the ultimate (least in diameter) order of vasculature in a leaf or other basically laminar structure when that order consists of strands ending freely within areoles and/or connecting distally by pairs across areoles; absent in some taxa. See also costa (rib), lateral vein, midvein (midnerve, midrib), primary vein, secondary vein, tertiary vein, vein (nerve). |
pseudolamina pl. pseudolaminae |
The expanded part of a phyllode (phyllodium), resembling a blade but evolutionarily derived from the petiole. |
inflorescence 2 |
The basic architectural unit of the flower-producing portion of a plant; comprising one or more flowers, their associated supporting axes (peduncles, main axes, branches and pedicels), if any, and the appendages thereto (bracts, bractlets or bracteoles or prophylls, involucres, involucels, and glumes), if any; delimited by the insertion or gradation of a single peduncle, peduncle cluster, pedicel, pedicel cluster, or sessile flower, as the case may be, directly upon or into some proximal vegetative structure not of one of these types; depending upon the type(s) of flowers included, may be bisexual (all flowers bisexual), staminate (all flowers staminate), pistillate (all flowers pistillate), sterile (all flowers sterile), or mixed (two or more types of flowers present); most appropriately described using nominative terms. |
nectary |
< gland |
A multicellular, anatomically distinct structure that produces and exudes nectar. |
barb 1 |
Any relatively short, stiff, sharp, acutely inserted or bent, antrorse or retrorse, terminal or lateral appendage. |
sawtooth |
One of a series of regularly spaced, angular, marginal convexities oriented at an acute angle to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also sawtoothlet, scallop (crena), scalloplet (crenule), tooth, toothlet. |
squamule 3 |
= lodicule, squamella |
One of two or three small, scale-like structures inserted at the base of the androecium, distal to the palea, in most grass (Poaceae) flowers; often regarded as a vestigial branch or perianth member. |
primary stem |
= main stem; > bole, trunk |
The one, or any of the more than one, first-order stem(s), or first-order portion(s) of the collective stem, of a shoot. |
columella 1 pl. columellae, columellas |
= carpophore; < stalk |
Any pedestal-like prolongation of a floral receptacle extending beyond the distalmost level of perianth insertion and bearing the gynoecium. |
knee 2 |
An emergent portion of an otherwise normally submerged secondary root of a wetland tree, resembling a bent human knee. |
pollen sac |
= theca |
Any of the one, two or four ontogenetically distinct, pollen-producing sectors (microsporangia) of an anther. In some taxa the walls between pairs of adjacent thecae break down as an anther approaches maturity, the mature anther thus ultimately containing half as many locules as thecae. |
stone |
= pyrene |
The hard inner portion of a drupe, consisting of osseous endocarp and included seed. |
velamen pl. velamina |
A thin, often chartaceous (papery, papyraceous) or pergamentaceous (parchment-like), outermost tissue layer of an aerial root; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
involucral bract |
= phyllary; < bract (broad sense) |
One of the bracts composing the involucre of a capitulum (head,); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
translator arm |
= caudicle |
An attenuate end portion by which a pollinium adheres to a pollinating insect, either directly or by means of a terminal viscidium, the latter, when present, sometimes attached by an intervening stipe; esp. in Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae. |
needle |
< leaf, macrophyll (not recommended), megaphyll |
A relatively stiff, compressed-acerose leaf; in Pinophyta. |
barb 2 |
A trichome terminated by one or two small, relatively short, stiff, sharp, acutely reflexed appendages. |
phyllary |
= involucral bract; < bract (broad sense) |
One of the bracts composing the involucre of a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |