corymbose |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more corymbs. |
fascicle |
= bundle (not recommended) |
nominative |
inflorescence |
A cluster of pedicellate flowers that are inserted very close together and little if at all divergent from one another, the whole sessile or subsessile. |
digamous |
reproduction |
inflorescence |
Bearing flowers of two differing sexual constitutions; esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
scorpioid cyme |
nominative |
inflorescence |
A cyme in which each axial segment branches to only one side, the successive segments branching alternately to either side, the whole appearing to have a continuous, elongate, straight to zig-zag main axis. See also cincinnus, helicoid cyme (bostryx). |
fascicled 1 |
= bundled (not recommended), fasciculate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more fascicles. |
spadicate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Generally spicate but with the flowers embedded in a thick, fleshy axis, the whole subtended and usually partially or wholly enveloped by a large bract (spathe). |
scorpioid-cymose |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more scorpioid cymes. See also cincinnate, helicoid-cymose. |
anthela pl. anthelae |
nominative |
inflorescence |
A cyme with the main axis markedly shorter than the lateral axes, appearing generally paniculate when compound; esp. in Juncaceae. |
cyme |
nominative |
inflorescence |
Determinate and constituting a compound dichasium or monochasium, the flowers maturing from the center outward (i.e., the distal or inner flowers maturing first); often more or less flat-topped. See also cymule, dichasium, helicoid cyme, monochasium, rhipidium, scorpioid cyme. |
fasciculate 1 |
= bundled (not recommended), fascicled |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more fascicles. |
anthelate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more anthelae; esp. in Juncaceae. |
…floral |
= …flowered |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having the number of flowers indicated by the prefix; as in bifloral, multifloral, oligofloral, unifloral. |
ament |
= catkin |
nominative |
inflorescence |
Elongate, more or less flexible and spike-like, often unisexual, the central axis bearing numerous diminutive flowers inserted either singly or in cymules, the pedicels or secondary axes subtended by small, paleaceous bracts or scales, the whole often deciduous as a unit. |
epulvinate |
architecture |
inflorescence axis, petiole |
Lacking a pulvinus. |
pulvinate 1 |
architecture |
inflorescence axis, petiole |
Having a pulvinus. |
pistillate |
= carpellate (not recommended) |
architecture |
inflorescence, flower, floret |
Having functional pistils but no functional stamens, thus unisexual and female. |
staminate |
architecture |
inflorescence, flower, floret |
Having functional stamens but no functional pistils, thus unisexual and male. |
carpellate (not recommended) |
= pistillate |
architecture |
inflorescence, flower, floret |
Having functional pistils but no functional stamens, thus unisexual and female. |
clawed |
= unguiculate |
plane shape |
l |
Having an abruptly much narrower proximal portion (claw or unguis), itself of variable shape but usually attenuate toward the base; esp. petals. |
unguiculate |
= clawed |
plane shape |
l |
Having an abruptly much narrower proximal portion (unguis or claw), itself of variable shape but usually attenuate toward the base; esp. petals. |
cordate 1 |
= heart-shaped |
base |
laminar structure |
Having two equal, more or less rounded, retrorse lobes, one to either side, overlapping or not, the intervening sinus relatively deep. |
eared |
= auriculate |
base |
laminar structure |
Having two small, rounded, lateral lobes, one to either side, that lie in more or less the same plane as the remainder of the lamina. |
caudate 1 |
= tailed |
apex |
laminar structure |
Terminating in a relatively long, flexible, narrowly acuminate tip composed of laminar tissue. |
sheathing 2 |
base |
laminar structure |
Terete or involute and closely enclosing the supporting axis for some distance above the point of insertion. |
cuneate 1 |
= obtriangular, wedge-shaped |
base |
laminar structure |
Attenuate with the sides more or less straight and intersecting at an acute angle. |