streaked 2 |
= striate; < lineate |
relief |
Covered with very narrow and shallow, relatively long, more or less straight and parallel depressions. |
striate 1 |
= streaked |
coloration |
Having an overall pattern of fine, more or less parallel, lines of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
striate 2 |
= streaked; < lineate |
relief |
Covered with very narrow and shallow, relatively long, more or less straight and parallel depressions. |
strict |
course |
Lacking any curve or bend. |
strigillose |
= strigulose |
pubescence |
Finely strigose. |
strigose |
pubescence |
Bearing sharp, rigid, appressed, capillate trichomes. See also strigillose (strigulose). |
strigulose |
= strigillose |
pubescence |
Finely strigose. |
striped |
coloration |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and, when multiple, more or less parallel, areas of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
strobiloid |
architecture |
flower |
Characterized by a general lack of adnation among the different sets of basic floral structures, any significant degree of fusion limited to connation within sets, thus with ovary(ies) superior and lacking a floral tube. |
strobilus pl. strobili |
= cone; > female cone, macrostrobilus (not recommended), male cone, megastrobilus, microstrobilus |
A compound or complex reproductive structure consisting of a central axis bearing congested sporophylls and sometimes other lateral members (e.g., bracts) that are sterile. |
strombuliform |
= spire-shaped |
solid shape |
Attenuate-spiral in three dimensions, the coils contiguous or not. |
strophiole |
= caruncle |
An outgrowth from the seed coat (testa) around or near the hilum and micropyle, or from the raphe. |
style |
A narrow, usually elongate, ontogenetically distal portion of a simple or compound pistil, overtopping the ovary and bearing one or more stigmas; arising from the summit of the ovary, but sometimes apparently from its base at maturity to ontogenetic displacement from its primordial distal position. In a compound pistil the various simple (carpellary) components of the style(s) may not be connate over their entire lengths; the pistil is then regarded as having a branched style or styles. |
stylopodium pl. stylopodia |
A discoid enlargement at the base of the styles; esp. in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
sub-basifixed |
fixation |
Attached just above its base. |
subapical |
= subterminal |
insertion |
Lateral and just below the apex. |
subapical |
= subterminal |
position |
Lateral and just below the apex. |
subcircular |
= subround; suborbicular misapplied, subrotund misapplied |
plane shape |
Compressed circular or very broadly elliptic, only slightly longer than wide. |
subequal |
size |
equivalent structures |
Nearly uniform in extent. See also equal, unequal. |
suberous |
= corky |
texture |
Firm, relatively light, discontinuous but strongly cohesive, and resilient. |
subglobose |
= suborbicular, subrotund, subspheric(al), subspheroid(al) |
solid shape |
Broadly ellipsoid with a length:width ratio closely approaching 1:1; almost globose, slightly longer than broad. |
subinferior |
= half-inferior |
position |
ovary |
Having its proximal portion enclosed by a floral tube casing, the more distal portions of the perianth and/or androecium thus arising between its base and apex. |
submerged |
= submersed |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Beneath the water surface. |
submergent |
location |
structure of aquatic plant |
Descending from above the water surface to a point beneath it. |
submersed |
= submerged |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Beneath the water surface. |