homogamous 1 |
maturation |
bisexual flower |
Having the androecium and gynoecium become functionally mature concurrently. |
internodal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the internodes. |
sawtooth |
One of a series of regularly spaced, angular, marginal convexities oriented at an acute angle to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also sawtoothlet, scallop (crena), scalloplet (crenule), tooth, toothlet. |
apiculate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the structure. See also mucronate, mucronulate. |
indusiate |
architecture |
sorus |
Having an indusium. |
anisosepalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth, calyx |
Having sepals unequal in size and/or shape. |
laesura pl. laesurae |
An elongate aperture in the proximal face of a spore at or near its pole, coterminous with a tetrad scar; in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta. Depending upon tetrad configuration and resultant scar pattern, a laesura may be either unbranched or branched, the branches when present (usually 3) radiating from the pole and of approximately equal lengths. |
solid shape |
Overall three-dimensional form or aspect(s) thereof. Overlaps conceptually with architecture, arrangement, habit, insertion, orientation, position, relief, and texture (as to thickness). |
connivent |
arrangement |
Converging and distally contiguous; esp. arcuate stamens with anthers contiguous. |
simple 2 |
architecture |
trichome |
Unicellular and unbranched. |
commissure |
Precisely, the joint or common boundary between the facing surfaces of two coherent or mutually appressed structures such as mericarps or stigmas, but traditionally (though imprecisely) applied to such a facing surface itself. |
comose |
pubescence |
Bearing a prominent single tuft of relatively long and slender, flexible, capillate trichomes (coma). |
spinulose |
architecture |
Finely spinose. |
oblate |
solid shape |
Symmetrically elongate and broader than long perpendicular to the developmental or polar axis. |
node |
One of the evident sectors of a stem that occur sequentially along its length and from which leaves (megaphylls) and lateral branches arise exogenously. The anatomy of nodes differs from, but is not abruptly distinct longitudinally from, that of the intervening sectors (internodes), with which it is smoothly confluent and from which is distinguished by the lateral transit and egress of vascular traces interconnecting the stem and the leaves and branches that it bears. |
disc 2 var. disk |
Collectively, the disc florets of a capitulum (head), or the surface presented by them. |
synstemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having two or more stamens, some or all of them connate. |
endophytic |
habit |
Growing within some portion of another, unrelated, living plant. |
trichotomocolpate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having a triradiate surficial groove (colpus). |
explosive |
dehiscence |
Opening abruptly with almost instantaneous aperture formation and release of accumulated structural tensions, the contents thus forcibly expelled. |
adenopetalous 2 |
derivation |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having petals derived from glandular structures. |
episepalous |
position |
Upon the sepals, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
piliferous |
apex |
Having a distinct, fine, weak, hair-like portion or protrusion. |
fissure |
A relatively narrow, split or crack in the outer tissue(s) of a structure. |
perigynium 1 pl. perigynia |
Two whorls of bracts, scales or setae immediately subtending the ovary, sometimes cupulate (cup-shaped) or ampulliform (flask-shaped, lageniform) and investing the fruit (achene); in Cyperaceae. |