tooth pl. teeth |
= dens |
One of a series of regularly spaced, angular, marginal convexities oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also sawtooth, sawtoothlet, scallop (crena), scalloplet (crenule), toothlet. |
elater 1 |
An elongate cell with a helical, hygroscopic thickening in its wall, contained within a sporangium, expanding and contracting with changes in humidity and aiding dispersal of the spores; esp. in Hepaticae. |
spur 1 |
A hollow protrusion from a calyx or corolla, often nectariferous. |
areola 1 pl. areolae |
= areole |
Any distinctive surficial discontinuity of generally circular outline, whether concave, flush, or convex; when protuberant, sometimes bearing trichomes or spines, as in some Cactaceae. This term is used only when such entities are deemed structurally distinctive enough to merit description in their own rights, rather than as aspects of the surface. |
hypocotyl |
That portion of an embryo axis between the level of cotyledon insertion above and the root meristem (or radicle, if present) below. |
stylopodium pl. stylopodia |
A discoid enlargement at the base of the styles; esp. in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
rostellum 1 pl. rostella |
= beaklet |
A small rostrum (beak). |
stipule |
Any distinct, relatively diminutive, more or less foliaceous structure inserted on a stem alongside a petiole, or on a petiole near its base, and ontogenetically closely associated with the leaf; usually occurring as one of a pair disposed one to either side of the petiole. |
banner |
= standard, vexillum |
The relatively large, erect adaxial (upper) petal in a papilionaceous corolla. |
megasporophyll |
= macrosporophyll (not recommended); > carpel, cone scale, ovuliferous scale |
A sporophyll that bears only megasporangia and, in Pinophyta, naked ovules that develop subsequently. |
segment |
? division, lobe |
Any generally convex, major peripheral protrusion or component sector that is delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that is not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. |
pappus scale |
A pappus element that is more or less planate and relatively thin and broad; may terminate in one or more awn- or bristle-like appendages. |
calyculus 2 pl. calyculi |
Collectively the bractlets (bracteoles) sometimes subtending (beneath or outside) the involucre in a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
epichilium |
The distal portion of a labellum (lip) that has distinct proximal, distal, and sometimes also central parts; in Orchidaceae. See also hypochilium, mesochilium. |
nodule |
A small nodiform (gongylodate, gongyloid, knob-shaped, knot-shaped) segment or protrusion; esp. in roots of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and harboring nitrogen-fixing bacteria. |
cilium 1 pl. cilia |
> capillus, hair; >< trichome |
A hair-like trichome or other surficial process. |
adventitious bud |
A vegetative or floral bud that arises directly from a root or from some site on a shoot other than a leaf axil or stem apex. |
fiddlehead |
= crozier |
A circinate leaf (frond) prior to full expansion, while still wholly or distally coiled; esp. in Polypodiophyta. |
palate |
The lower, prominent labium (lip) of a personate (gaping, ringent) corolla. |
prothallus pl. prothalli |
A very diminutive thallus that is reproductively mature and undergoes no further growth; in Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta. |
elater 2 |
An elongate, flattened, hygroscopic enation from a spore, straightening upon desiccation and aiding transport by air; esp. in Equisetaceae. |
mamma pl. mammae |
A rounded-conoidal protrusion, resembling the breast of a mammal. |
bole |
= trunk; < main stem, primary stem |
The relatively stout, columnar, main stem of a distinct aboveground portion of a tree. |
funiculus pl. funiculi |
= funicle; < stalk |
A stalk that attaches an ovule to a placenta of the ovary wall. |
testa pl. testae |
= seed coat |
The outer protective layer of a seed, developed from the ovular integument(s). |