wing 1 |
= ala |
Any elongate, relatively thin protrusion or appendage. |
squamella 2 pl. squamellae |
= squamule; < scale |
A small, dry bract borne on the compound receptacle (torus) of a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
dens pl. dentes |
= tooth |
One of a series of regularly spaced, angular, marginal convexities oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also crena (scallop), crenule (scalloplet), sawtooth, sawtoothlet, toothlet. |
lodicule |
= squamella |
One of two or three small, scale-like structures inserted at the base of the androecium, distal to the palea, in most grass (Poaceae) flowers; often regarded as a vestigial branch or perianth member. |
turion |
< sucker |
A scaly sucker. |
keel 1 |
= carina |
An elongate, median longitudinal ridge that is basically triangular in transverse section and resembles the keel of a boat; esp. in leaf blades and sheaths, glumes, lemmata, paleae, sepals, petals. |
radix pl. radices |
= root |
A vascularized axis that is not internally differentiated into nodes and internodes and that branches endogenously, serving for anchorage, absorption and/or storage; collectively, all those portions of a plant body not belonging (anatomically) to the shoot. See also adventitious root, climbing root, diffuse root, knee root, primary root, prop root, secondary root, stilt root. |
ligule 3 |
A relatively small, attenuate, membranous, laminar enation from the adaxial surface of a leaf near its base; in Selaginella, Isoetes. |
stomatal apparatus |
= stomate, stoma (broad sense) |
A localized functional epidermal unit consisting of a microscopic pore and two encircling specialized cells, the guard cells, which, through changes of turgor pressure in response to environmental conditions, regulate the size of the pore and thus the rates of transpiration and gas exchange through it; the whole surrounded or not by associated, cytologically distinctive epidermal cells, the subsidiary or accessory cells, which, when present, are regularly oriented in relation to it. |
mentum pl. menta |
= column foot |
A lateral, often nectariferous protrusion from the proximal portion of a column, opposite the labellum, projecting in front of the rest of the flower; in Orchidaceae. |
areole 2 |
= areola |
foliaceous structure |
Any distinguishable laminar portion bounded on all sides by anastomosing veins and not traversed or dissected by any vasculature other than veinlets. |
column 2 |
A fused androecium (connate stamens) closely surrounding but free from the gynoecium; esp. in Malvaceae. |
standard |
= banner, vexillum |
The relatively large, erect adaxial (upper) petal in a papilionaceous corolla. |
pitcher-blade |
= ascidium, pitcher |
A pitcher-shaped (ascidiform) leaf blade, sometimes lidded (operculate), usually carnivorous; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |
leaflet |
> pinna, pinnule |
One of the one or more distinct, leaf-like, first- or higher-order divisions of a compound leaf blade; stalked (petiolulate) or sessile; borne upon a rachis or rachilla. |
lamina 1 pl. laminae |
= blade |
The expanded, more or less planate, distal portion, when present, of a leaf, leaflet or bract. |
corona pl. coronae, coronas |
> gynostegium |
A crown-like set of connate or distinct appendages or enations borne upon a corolla or androecium or between them. |
wing 2 |
= ala |
One of the two lateral petals in a papilionaceous corolla. |
squamella 3 pl. squamellae |
= lodicule, squamule |
One of two or three small, scale-like structures inserted at the base of the androecium, distal to the palea, in most grass (Poaceae) flowers; often regarded as a vestigial branch or perianth member. |
keel 2 |
= carina |
Collectively, the two relatively small, connate or coherent, abaxial (lower) petals that form the keel-like portion of a papilionaceous corolla. |
cycle |
= series, verticil, whorl |
A set of three or more lateral structures that are inserted around an axis at the same level. |
taproot |
< primary root |
A primary root that remains dominant through the life of the plant as the main axis of a vertically oriented system that penetrates the substrate to a considerable depth. |
ligule 4 |
The distal, relatively flat portion of the zygomorphic corolla of a ligulate floret, terminating in 5 teeth or lobes; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
mericarp |
= coccus |
One of the segments of a dehisced schizocarp; usually one-seeded and itself indehiscent. |
gland |
> nectary |
An anatomically distinct multicellular structure that produces and exudes a particular substance, or resembles those that do. |