terminal |
insertion |
Apical and with the same developmental axis as the whole, of which it is the distalmost portion or appendage. |
epigynous |
insertion |
perianth, calyx, corolla, androecium |
Having its proximal portion adnate to the full length of the gynoecium, the free portion thus arising from the apex of the gynoecium. See also hypogynous, perigynous. |
petiolar |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the petioles. |
ostiole |
The distal aperture of a syconium (fig); in Ficus (Moraceae). |
tubercle |
A small, rounded, knot-like swelling or wart-like protrusion. |
branched 2 |
architecture |
laminar veinlet |
Dividing within the areole, each branch ending blindly. |
filament |
The stalk, when present, of a stamen, clearly differentiated from and bearing at its summit an anther. |
perfect |
architecture |
flower |
Having functional pistil(s) and functional stamen(s) both present, thus bisexual (hermaphroditic). |
annulus 1 pl. annuli |
A small ring-like protrusion from the strobilar stalk near its base and below the lowermost sporangiophores, sometimes bearing small sporangia; esp. in Equisetum. |
foliose 2 |
architecture |
thallus |
Having leaf-like lobes; in Hepaticae. |
chaff 1 |
Collectively, the paleae (pales, palets) sometimes borne on the receptacle of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
viviparous |
reproduction |
Producing sexually or asexually generated offspring that begin growth and development while borne upon the parent plant. |
gibbous |
solid shape |
Bulging unilaterally near the base. |
adenopetalous 2 |
derivation |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having petals derived from glandular structures. |
prickle |
Any unvascularized spine-like enation originating in the epidermis, cortex, or mesophyll of any shoot part. See also spine, thorn. |
casing |
The portion (if any) of a floral tube that is adnate to the gynoecium. See also collar, neck. |
archegonium pl. archegonia |
A female gametangium; a multicellular fertile organ of a mature gametophyte within which female gametes (eggs, ova) are produced and fertilized; having a broad, bulbous base and a narrower distal neck. Technically present but highly reduced and of no descriptive significance in Magnoliophyta. |
basiramous |
architecture |
axis |
Branching at or near the base. See also basicauliramous. |
seedling |
A plant in the first stages of its growth following emergence from the seed. |
isodiametric |
architecture |
Of approximately constant breadth in all median planes. |
cotyloid |
architecture |
flower |
Having general adnation among the different sets of floral structures, thus having the ovary inferior and/or having a floral tube. |
stilt-rooted |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing and partly supported by stilt roots. |
cormose |
architecture |
plant |
Growing from corms. |
staminal |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the stamens. |
cyme |
nominative |
inflorescence |
Determinate and constituting a compound dichasium or monochasium, the flowers maturing from the center outward (i.e., the distal or inner flowers maturing first); often more or less flat-topped. See also cymule, dichasium, helicoid cyme, monochasium, rhipidium, scorpioid cyme. |