wood |
= xylem |
The water-conducting and usually main supporting tissue of a plant or portion thereof, characterized by the presence of tracheary elements (tracheids and sometimes vessel elements); the lignified tissue of a plant or component structure, composed almost entirely of secondary tissue, i.e., that derived by secondary or lateral growth from a cambium in structures a season or more old. As commonly used, the term wood generally refers only to secondary xylem, which constitutes the bulk of a mature woody stem, but it properly refers also to primary xylem, wherever found. See also sapwood, heartwood. |
orientation |
Attitude or direction with respect to some explicit or implicit structure(s) or context. The lexicon relating to orientation includes some conceptually complex terms whose meanings also embrace aspects of structural composition or shape. Overlaps conceptually with arrangement, habit, insertion, position, and shape. |
calyptriform |
solid shape |
Hollow, roughly circular in cross-section, broader and open distally, and tapering to a closed apex, like a candle snuffer or elongate hood. |
development |
= ontogeny |
Mode or pattern of growth and differentiation. |
bearded |
= barbate |
pubescence |
Having one or more limited sectors bearing relatively long, erect, flexible, capillary trichomes. |
primocane |
A biennial or perennial stem before it has begun flowering, when the latter does not occur until at least its second season of growth; esp. in Rubus (Rosaceae). |
lustrous |
= glossy, laevigate, polished, shining, shiny |
reflectance |
Uniformly reflecting a high proportion of incident light at all angles. |
fragrant |
odor |
Sweet or otherwise pleasant. |
setulose |
= hispidulous, small-bristly |
pubescence |
Finely setose (hispid). |
corky |
= suberous |
texture |
Firm, relatively light, discontinuous but strongly cohesive, and resilient. |
subpetiolar |
insertion |
Just below the point of petiole insertion. |
…ranked |
= …stichous |
arrangement |
Disposed along the axis in the number of distinct ranks indicated by the prefix; as in two-ranked. |
exocarp |
= epicarp |
The outermost tissue layer of a pericarp. |
mucous 2 |
= mucilaginous; < glutinous |
texture |
Slimy. |
viscin |
= elastoviscin |
A sticky, elastic material, especially that forming the threads that sometimes connect pollen grains. |
gynandrium pl. gynandria |
= column, gynostemium |
A central floral structure consisting of the partly to wholly fused (connate and adnate) androecium and gynoecium; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
spiral 3 |
= helical |
course |
Curving with constant or regularly increasing radius from one end to the other through three dimensions. |
banded |
coloration |
Broadly striped; having one or more elongate, relatively broad and, when multiple, more or less parallel, areas of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
linear 2 |
plane shape |
Elongate and narrow with the sides more or less straight and parallel over most of its length. |
trumpet-shaped |
= tubiform |
solid shape |
Obteretely tubular with a relatively short distal flare (the limb if a perianth, calyx, or corolla). |
rugose |
= corrugate, wrinkled |
relief |
Having irregular, narrow ridges or creases, the intervening areas flat to shallowly concave or convex, appearing overall as though crumpled and then spread out. See also rugulose. |
adaxial |
= ventral (not recommended) |
position |
On or pertaining to the side or portion of a lateral structure that faces (or would face) toward the bearing axis when (or if) the axis of the lateral structure is (or were) oriented in the same general direction as the bearing axis. |
floral |
position |
Upon, within, or associated with the flowers. |
ocrea pl. ocreae var. ochrea |
A tubular sheath that encircles a stem at a node, subtending a petiole; thought to have arisen evolutionarily by lateral fusion of two stipules; in Polygonaceae. |
hook-shaped |
= unciform |
solid shape |
Very slenderly elongate with a more or less straight proximal portion and a recurved terminal portion, the whole resembling a hook. |